Local Health Adults

You can volunteer with those organisations that have a *

Alzheimers Society - support and advice on Dementia *

Adult Social Care Information and Support

CALM 0800 58 58 58 + Webchat

Citizens Advice East Devon*

Community Transport Exmouth and District - helps with special transport needs*

Devon Carers - support for carers*

Devon Communities Together - helping communities help themselves*

Devon Safeguarding adults Partnership*

Domestic Abuse*

Exmouth and District Community Transport*

Exmouth Food Bank*

Force - helping anyone locally affected by cancer*

Harding House - sheltered accommodation *

Issues I Face - online mentor*


Exmouth Home Library delivers books, contact library

Exmouth Memory Cafe - Imperial Hotel *

Mental Health Matters Devon -  Help 24 hours a day 365 days a week

NHS Devon Partnership

Parent Carer Coffee and Tea, chat and help (CATCH)

Scott Drive Church , Wednesdays (09.30-11.30)

Pete's Dragons - Help after Suicide* 

 Rehab 4 Addiction offers a wealth of resources and information about addiction and mental health

Rethink Mental Health Support

Sexual Health Devon

Samaritans 116 123*

Seachange-support and various groups to join (g/s)

Stroke Survivors Club*

Talkworks mental and physical well being

Trading Standards Devon

Work  Club - Glenorchy Work Club  helping those looking for work*

Care Quality Commission - inspections of various healthcare facilities